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私たちExtrude Honeは、それに部分的に同意します。しかし、Extrude Honeのブースであなたが発見するものは、あなたが家に持ち帰り、何年にもわたって恩恵を受けると思われる純金でしょう。
EXTRUDE HONE is pleased to welcome you to our stand at the DEBURRING EXPO, taking place from October 10th to 12th in Karlsruhe, Germany. You`ll find us in Hall 1, Booth 311.
Electrochemical Machining (ECM) Solution to create a heart-shaped gallery in the main bore of injection nozzles. (more…)

EXTRUDE HONE is pleased to welcome you to our stand at the DEBURRING EXPO, taking place from October 10th to 12th in Karlsruhe, Germany. You`ll find us in Hall 1, Booth 311. TEM meets burr removal requirements across internal passages, external features, cross-holes, and hard to reach areas in transmission shafts. (more…)

Abrasive flow machining solutions for 3D printed components with internal passages – Paris Air Show.
EXTRUDE HONE is pleased to welcome you to our stand at the Paris Air Show, taking place June 19th to 23rd. You`ll find us in Hall 3 Booth D29.
AFM meets the polishing needs of internal surfaces and intricate passages. (more…)

Make in India Movement Promises New Future.
Drawing on the combined power, foresight, and expertise of politicians, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders, the Make in India movement hopes to turn the largest democracy in the world into a manufacturing and design hub, sparking new growth and international investment and inspiring confidence in India’s capabilities.
At the beginning of the 21st century, India showed great promise as an emerging market, but by 2013, its growth rate had fallen to the lowest in a decade. Recognizing that part of the problem was government bottlenecks, Prime Minister Nerendra Modi set out to overhaul government policies and procedures to allow businesses more room to thrive. The ultimate goal was a mindset of “minimum government, maximum governance.”