Make in India Movement Promises New Future.

Drawing on the combined power, foresight, and expertise of politicians, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders, the Make in India movement hopes to turn the largest democracy in the world into a manufacturing and design hub, sparking new growth and international investment and inspiring confidence in India’s capabilities.

At the beginning of the 21st century, India showed great promise as an emerging market, but by 2013, its growth rate had fallen to the lowest in a decade. Recognizing that part of the problem was government bottlenecks, Prime Minister Nerendra Modi set out to overhaul government policies and procedures to allow businesses more room to thrive. The ultimate goal was a mindset of “minimum government, maximum governance.”



A Complete Solution for Chromatography Tube Inner Surface Finishing

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is one medical area where manufacturing accuracy and surface finishing are critical. The inner surface of chromatography tubes must be smooth or else false readings or inaccurate separation may occur. Tube manufacturers are limited in the inner surface finish they can offer and will only be interested in improving on it if extremely large orders are at stake. (more…)
